
Cornwall Cricket Club has determined that its aim is “To deliver to members an outstanding all round cricketing experience”.

The Junior Division, while being part of the broad vision, has further more specific aims which are encapsulated in the following vision statement:

To provide the environment for children of all ages and their families to participate and enjoy their junior cricket to become Cornwall Cricketers for life.

To encourage and enhance players’ skills and knowledge for their on-going cricketing development through a team based environment.

It is against the background of these statements that the Junior Division of the club has developed a Code of Conduct to guide all those involved. There are a number of different “stakeholders” in the Junior Club. Some people may occupy several of these positions. What is important is that each situation has a code of guidelines to assist those stakeholders to work together for the overall aim of the Junior Club.

General Principles

  • Respect
  • Safety
  • Fun
  • Personal Responsibility
  • Cooperation

These are the principles which underpin the more detailed code which follows.

Players Code of Conduct

  • Players must play within the rules
  • Players must respect officials and their decisions
  • Players must respect opponents
  • Play hard but fair
  •  Work hard at your cricket – you owe this to yourself, to your team mates, to your parents and to your opponents
  • Play to enjoy your cricket – you are very privileged to have the opportunity to play a great game with a great club
  • Win with humility, lose with dignity – if you do this everyone will respect you
  • Thank opponents at the end of the game
  • Players must arrive at set times for games and trainings; where players are unable to meet these timings coaches or managers must be notified
  • Players must wear the appropriate clothing. For full details refer to the Junior Handbook
  • Shirts must be worn tucked into trousers or shorts – this is an Auckland Cricket and New Zealand Cricket policy, as well as a policy of Cornwall CC.
  • Caps or floppy hats must be approved with Cornwall logo
  • A well dressed team represents the club well and sends out an important message to its opponents.
  • No player shall play for a Cornwall team unless the appropriate fees/subscription has been paid
  • Junior members are not allowed to smoke on club premises or while representing the club
  • Junior members are not allowed to consume alcohol or drugs of any kind while on the club premises or while representing the club
  • Player safety is paramount – make sure you always wear the appropriate safety gear (as recommended by the Club grade guidelines) and conduct yourself at games and training in a safe manner. It is really important that players (and their parents) ask for advice in this area if they are uncertain what the requirements are
  • Make sure you always have enough food and water, both before, during and after a game or a training session
  • Players must advise their coach/manager if they have any injury; player safety may be compromised if players carry injuries. Also, it does not show respect for the opponents to play if players are not fully able to contribute

Supporters Code of Conduct

  •   Encourage players at all times to play within the rules of the game (make sure you understand what those rules are!)
  • Show respect for officials, however, frustrated you may be
  • Show respect for the coach and team manager – remember that they are usually volunteers and are doing their best for the players
  • Never criticize the coach/manager openly in front of other players or their parents – take any issue direct to either the team coach or the grade convenor
  • Be unswervingly positive in your comments – no player deliberately drops a catch or gets out.
  • Remember that you, too, are representing Cornwall – so be moderate in your language and generous to the opposition
  • Never place undue pressure on your child (or any child) to take part in cricket, or in any aspect of the game.
  • If you have any issues about any aspect of the game talk in the first instance to the coach or manager, and then to the Grade Convenor. It is useful if these issues are documented.

 Coaches/Managers Code of Conduct

  • Make a personal commitment to develop your skills as a coach – through the Club there is access to much good coaching material and to many opportunities – find out what those are.
  • Be willing to ask for help, from people involved with your team, with your grade, and within the wider club
  • Ensure that your team plays to the rules, and within the “Spirit of Cricket”
  • Ensure that your players are aware of their “code of conduct” and abide by it at all times
  • Set clear guidelines about your expectations of your players and other personnel (eg scorer, umpire, supporters)
  • Ensure that your expectations for your players are age appropriate
  • Be quick to praise players
  • Be prepared to assist players who are struggling (this may involve referring them to another coach)
  • Remember that players want to have fun so try to create a “fun atmosphere” in your team
  • Ensure that you respect other participants (eg opponents, umpires) so that you create a positive role model for your players
  • Within the guidelines laid down for your team, ensure that all players have a fair opportunity to play. This will depend on the age and grade, but the principle of fairness should be followed at all times.
  • Never place undue pressure on a player recovering from injury to play before they are medically fit.
  • Ensure that all aspects of your coaching are conducted within a “safety first” framework. You are responsible for the safety and wellbeing of your players during games and trainingh
  • Specifically understand the following “child safety issues”:
    • Never manhandle a player
    • Never leave a child unattended – you are responsible until the last child has left training or the game venue
    • Discipline children if appropriate by standing down from a game or training, but keep child in full view at all times.
  • Mind your language – different people have different ideas about what is acceptable and what is not
  • If an issue should arise with another team (coach or supporters), stay calm, do not raise your voice and be prepared to compromise. It is often a good idea to document such issues to the grade convenor.
  • Avoid conflict with parents and spectators from opposing teams; address all such issues through the opposing coach or manager.
  • Establish a pre-match routine including such matters as talking with the opposing coach, with the umpires and clarifying any rule interpretations. A small investment of time at this stage can prevent huge arguments later in the game.

 Umpires Code of Conduct

  • Make sure you understand the rules – both of cricket, and of the particular grade/game which you are involved in
  • The role of the umpire is to ensure that the game runs smoothly, without controversy – the umpire is not there to draw attention to him/herself.
  • Remember that the players are there first and foremost to have fun
  • Remember too, that it is important that the players learn how to play by the correct rules
  • Therefore enforce the rules fairly but with empathy. Players who respect the approach of an umpire will learn better, and will find it easier to accept decisions.
  • Be prepared to compliment and encourage players who perform well
  • Avoid coaching the team from a position as umpire
  • The role of the umpire changes as players get older, so ensure that your conduct is “age appropriate” – if in doubt ask for advice.
  • Players will observe your actions and words so ensure that you set a high standard of behaviour and demeanour.

 Administrators Code of Conduct

  • The administrators’ role is to create the environment so that the aims of the Junior Club can be achieved
  • Administrators should make every effort to ensure that policy and decisions promote a fair outcome
  • Understand the requirements of your role
  • Ensure that deadlines are met; it is likely that other people will be affected by the work you do – it is unfair on them to delay decisions or the provision of information
  • If you feel that you are unable to complete a task, do not take it on in the first place, or seek help if you feel you will not meet the deadline set
  • Be ready to seek advice from others on the best way to complete a particular task
  • Ensure that the Code of Conduct is adhered to at all levels and at all times.
  • Understand the relevant parts of the Club’s Strategic Plan and work towards it in the tasks you undertake.

 What happens if the Code is breached?

  •  All those involved with Cornwall Cricket Club should be proud of the Code of Conduct and endeavour to follow it at all times.
  • Be prepared to discuss breaches direct with the offending party
  • Minor breaches can be dealt with on the spot by an appropriate person (could be player, coach, parent, committee member)
  • If the breach is more serious, then it should be reported in writing to the team coach or the grade convenor. The offender may receive a verbal response, or a written response.
  • If, in the opinion of the grade convenor, the breach is very serious, the matter will be reported to the Junior Committee, and the offender will be asked to meet with a member of the Disciplinary sub-committee.
  • Remember that the aim of the Code is to guide, and not to punish, so these consequences are very much the “last resort”. However, regrettably, people do occasionally step out of line, and we want to ensure that those matters are appropriately dealt with, for the benefit of all members of Cornwall Cricket Club.